01:20duration 1 minute 20 seconds
OTP08 - UX Design Techniken: Paper Prototyping…
OTP08 - UX Design Techniken: Paper Prototyping mit Apps
Module - OTP08 Mit Apps wie z.B. Marvel oder POP…
02:03duration 2 minutes 3 seconds
OTP08 - How to make a cardboard prototype
Module - OTP08 …
02:53duration 2 minutes 53 seconds
OTP08 - How to Make a Mobile Paper Prototype
Module - OTP08 In this webinar, Michelle…
02:37duration 2 minutes 37 seconds
OTP08 - Design Thinking - Paper Prototypes
Module - OTP08 In Design Thinking projects,…
07:32duration 7 minutes 32 seconds
OTP08 - Rapid Prototyping 1 of 3: Sketching &…
OTP08 - Rapid Prototyping 1 of 3: Sketching & Paper Prototyping
Module - OTP08 Mariam Shaikh and Melissa Powel…
01:48duration 1 minute 48 seconds
OTP08 - Piano stairs - TheFunTheory.com -…
OTP08 - Piano stairs - TheFunTheory.com - Rolighetsteorin.se
Module - OTP08 Follow us on…